
Showing posts from May, 2021

Greetings adalah ..

  Greeting adalah ungkapan yang Digunakan untuk menyapa seseorang. Situasi dalam greeting terdiri dari dua penggalan yaitu formal dan informal. greeting juga sanggup diekspresikan dengan kontak mata, saling berjabat tangan atau berpelukan. Bentuk dari greeting itu sendiri ditentukan dari budaya maupun relasi dari orang-orang tersebut.

Chapter 2

  Business Greetings and Formal Greetings It’s best to begin by using formal greetings in most business situations, and then listen to how your co-workers or business partners greet you. It’s a good idea to wait until someone speaks casually with you before you speak casually with them. You may find that people will begin to use casual greetings with you over time, as you get to know each other better. Formal greetings are also used when you meet older people. 8. Good morning ,  Good afternoon , or  Good evening These are formal ways of saying “hello”, which change depending on the time of day.  Keep in mind that “good night” is only used to say “good bye”, so if you meet someone late in the day, remember to greet them with “good evening”, rather than “good night”. Good morning can be made more casual by simply saying “morning”.  You can also use “afternoon” or “evening” as informal greetings, but these are less commonly used. 9. It’s nice to meet you  or  Pleased to meet you These gre

Chapter 1

  1. Hey ,  Hey man , or  Hi You can use “hey” and “hi” to greet someone instead of “hello”. Both are particularly popular among younger people. While “hi” is appropriate to use in any casual situation, “hey” is for people who have already met. If you say “hey” to a stranger, it might be confusing for that person because he or she will try to remember when you met before! You can also add “man” to the end of “hey” when greeting males. Some people also use “hey man” to casually greet younger women, but only do this if you know the woman very well. Remember that “hey” doesn’t always mean “hello”. “Hey” can also be used to call for someone’s attention. 2. How’s it going?  or  How are you doing? These are casual ways of asking “how are you?” If you’re trying to be particularly polite, stick with “how are you?” but otherwise, you can use these expressions to greet almost anyone.  The word “going” is usually shortened, so it sounds more like “go-in”. You can answer with “it’s going well” or

material :

  Good afternoon  (selamat sore),  good evening   (selamat malam), dan  good morning  (selamat pagi). Hi   dan  hello   merupakan sapaan yang artinya sama, keduanya merupakaan jenis sapaan yang netral cenderung formal. Sedangkan  hey   merupakan sapaan yang tidak formal. How are you  dan  how do you do   sama-sama menanyakan kondisi/kabar/keadaan, keduanya pun jatuh dalam ranah netral cenderung formal. Sedangkan  how are you doing ,  how are things , dan  how is it gong  merupakan sapaan yang menanyakan kabar secara informal.